
NYPD says officer did not rip off anti-Israel activist’s hijab during arrest: ‘Wholly untrue’ The activist, Nerdeen Kiswani, shared a video on X that she claims contradicts what the NYPD said

(Fox) The New York City Police Department defended the actions of its officers by releasing bodycam video that showed an officer gently helping a woman with her hijab after the radical anti-Israel activist claimed she was “brutalized” and her hijab was ripped […]


NYC agrees to $17.5 million settlement over forced removal of hijabs for mugshot photos Men and women who were forced to remove any religious head coverings for NYPD photographs are eligible for approximately $7,000 to $13,000 in settlement payments from the city.

(Courthouse News) New York City agreed on Friday to pay a $17.5 million settlement to resolve a class-action civil rights lawsuit brought by New York women who were forced to remove their religious headscarves in NYPD mugshot photos for the department’s facial […]


Appeals court rules police justified to forcibly remove hijabs from asylum seekers The two women — citing their religious beliefs — refused to remove their head coverings for police to take registration photos, which were required in order to process their asylum applications.

(Yle) The Court of Appeal in Turku has ruled that police officers were justified in their actions when they forcibly removed hijab head coverings from two female asylum seekers during an incident at a police station in the city of Hämeenlinna in […]

Academics & Education

Appeal Court upholds Quebec law that bars teachers, police from wearing religious symbols Civil liberties groups argued law discriminates against Muslim women who wear head coverings

(CBC) The Quebec Court of Appeal has upheld the province’s controversial secularism law in a ruling on challenges to the law’s constitutionality released Thursday afternoon. The heavily anticipated judgment is 290 pages long and quashes a previous exception, made by Superior Court […]


It’s OK to ban wearing religious symbols at work, EU top court rules A public administration may prohibit staff from wearing items such as an Islamic headscarf, CJEU says.

(Politico) The EU’s top court on Tuesday ruled that a public administration may ban staff from visibly wearing any sign which reveals philosophical or religious beliefs, in order to create a “neutral administrative environment.” “Such a rule is not discriminatory if it […]

Academics & Education

France’s top court rejects appeal against ban on Muslim abaya dress in schools Last week, 3 unions filed appeal against ruling of Council of State upholding ban on abaya in schools

(Anadolu) France’s highest court on Monday ruled that the government ban on Muslim dress abaya is legal. The Council of State said it had rejected an appeal by three organizations against the government ban announced last month on abaya — a loose-fitting […]

Academics & Education

Muslim girl turned away from school in France for wearing hijab files complaint with UN 15-year-old student in Lyon was sent back home on Sept. 5 for wearing Japanese garment kimono

(Anadolu) A Muslim student, who had been turned away from school for wearing a kimono, a Japanese garment, in France, has filed a complaint with the UN over being “discriminated against” due to her religious affiliation. The controversy over the French government’s […]

Academics & Education

Laval high school denies banning students who wear religious symbols However, Collège Citoyen de Laval says parents must file a 'religious accommodation' request if their child wears a hijab, for example.

(Montreal Gazette) Embroiled in controversy, a private high school in Laval says it has not forbidden students from wearing religious symbols — but it does require that parents request a “religious accommodation.” An online petition that collected 6,900 signatures over two days […]

Arts & Entertainment

Censored for ‘safety’: Swedish cultural centre cancels Iran-critical artist MEP Charlie Weimers: 'It is pure censorship. Ahmadi makes it clear that this is not a criticism of Islam but of political Islam, veiling, and the regime in Iran.'

(European Conservative) After her art exhibition was shut down over safety concerns by a Swedish cultural centre, artist Sadaf Ahmadi has been invited to Brussels by Sweden Democrats (SD) MEP Charlie Weimers to display her sculptures of women wearing the Islamic chador. […]