France sees increased violence during Islamic Ramadan celebration Media and establishment politicians wilfully deny religious motives of perpetrators

(European Conservative) The last few weeks of Ramadan and the feast of Eid-el-Fitr have been accompanied in France by an upsurge in violence and intimidation. Its targets are people accused by members of the Muslim community of not respecting the principles of the Quran, such as its dietary or dress restrictions. In Bordeaux, a man accused of drinking in defiance of Islamic rules was attacked and killed with a knife.

In schools, there have been a number of recent incidents of violence, insults and harassment against children or adults who have been targeted and criticised for not respecting the rules of Islam.

In Montpellier, a 14-year-old schoolgirl, Samara, was taken to hospital in a coma after being beaten up by classmates who violently insulted her. According to her mother, the girl was called a “whore,” a “kufar” (non-believer) and a “miscreant” because she dressed in European style and was ordered to “put on the veil.”

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