Islamist ‘morality guardians’ surging in Vienna schools A lack of integration has been a major issue in Vienna schools.

(European Conservative) Teachers and their union representatives, as well as other groups, have been sounding the alarm over the rise in violence from Islamist students who have appointed themselves “moral guardians,” saying that the situation in schools has worsened since the Hamas massacre of over a thousand Israeli civilians on October 7th. The groups are calling on politicians to pay attention to this growing problem in schools, Kronen Zeitung reports.

Thomas Krebs, who is part of the Union of Compulsory School Teachers in Vienna, has called on Vienna Mayor Michael Ludwig to act, saying, “We are increasingly dealing with pupils who bring political or religious extremist attitudes into school and reject and mock our values and our rule of law.”

According to Krebs, female teachers and principals have been mocked and threatened by radicalised students who do not take them seriously.

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