Academics & Education

French mosque accused of radicalism to reopen earlier Pantin mosque was closed for six months in October for disseminating video criticizing history teacher before his murder

(Anadolu) The Grand Mosque of Pantin near Paris, closed as part of a crackdown against radical Muslims by the French government in the aftermath of history teacher Samuel Paty’s assassination, will soon be reopened, the interior minister announced Monday. The mosque was […]

Discrimination & “Islamophobia”

Vox party account suspended for tweet violating hate speech rules Twitter has suspended the official account of Spain’s right-wing Vox party for a tweet on Islamic immigration that they say violated its hate speech rules.

(Euro Weekly) The tech giant Twitter said that they had briefly suspended the official account of Spain’s right-wing Vox party as one of their tweets had violated their hate speech policy. In order to unlock their account, the company said, all the […]

Discrimination & “Islamophobia”

Congress members demand Facebook take steps to ‘eradicate’ anti-Muslim bias Lawmakers issue a list of demands for Facebook, including creating a working group that addresses anti-Muslim bigotry and hate groups

(Middle East Eye) A group of 30 Democratic members of Congress on Tuesday sent a letter to Facebook criticising the social media giant for allowing anti-Muslim sentiments to spread on its platform, and are demanding it takes concrete steps to “eradicate anti-Muslim […]

Clerics & Preachers

Canadian imam calls Jews ‘brothers of monkeys and pigs’ B’nai Brith Canada asks police to investigate imam with a history of anti-Semitic and radical Islamic incitement.

(World Israel News) B’nai Brith Canada contacted police to investigate an Islamic religious leader in British Columbia for his latest incitement against Jews, the organization said [in] a statement Tuesday. Local imam Younus Kathrada in the provincial capital of Victoria posted a […]