France to bring anti-terror law on tech surveillance Bill will be tabled on April 28 at request of president, premier, says interior minister

(Anadolu) France will bring a new anti-terrorism legislation specifically devoted to intelligence, in the wake of recent attacks carried out by lone, radicalized individuals, the interior minister announced.

The bill will be tabled on April 28 at the request of President Emmanuel Macron and Prime Minister Jean Castex, Gerald Darmanin told Journal du Dimanche on Saturday.

The new law will strengthen technological surveillance and provide for “updating and perpetuating the use of algorithms, that is the automated processing of connection data, by the General Directorate of Internal Security (DGSI),” he said.

Darmanin said the new anti-terror measure is important given that authorities are now dealing with “isolated individuals, increasingly young, unknown to the intelligence services before their act and without necessarily any link with established Islamist networks.”

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