Experts: Muslim Brotherhood pursues caliphate in Europe using soft power The Islamist organisation has infiltrated EU member states and spread its agenda through various innocent-looking organisations.

(European Conservative) An expert on Islamism has highlighted the dangers to Europe of the Muslim Brotherhood through its emphasis on legal rather than “terrorist” methods. Dr. Lorenzo Vidino told a recent European conference how the Brotherhood is a “social network,” united by ideological and economic ties, and heavily financed by Qatar.

It facilitates Islamist radicalisation while impacting the discussion of human rights and democracy — which it wishes to abolish in favour of establishing a global caliphate: i.e. theocratic rule by a caliph, the recognised successor to the prophet Muhammad.

Le Journal du Dimanche reported how the conference — organised by the Défense des servants de la République association — brought together a wide range of Islamism experts in the French commune of Saint-Ouen-sur-Seine on Wednesday, May 15th.

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