Government & Politics

Omar cites Holocaust, Jewish lawyer to support ICC probing Israeli leaders 'The International Criminal Court must be allowed to conduct its work independently and without interference,' the Squad member stated.

(JNS) U.S. President Joe Biden called it “outrageous” for the International Criminal Court to pursue arrest warrants for Israeli leaders, and U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said that Washington “fundamentally rejects” the decision of the court in The Hague. Rep. Ilhan […]

Government & Politics

ASIO boss Mike Burgess: Counter-terrorism laws ‘necessary’ to stop Australians from travelling to terrorist hotspots Mike Burgess says there have been 'general conversations' about declaring Gaza and south Lebanon areas of concern, but intelligence agencies have not been asked for formal advice.

(NCA NewsWire) Australia’s top security boss says there has been a decline in the number of people who aspire to travel overseas to support terrorist groups since the height of ISIS in Iraq and Syria, but travel bans are a “necessary tool” […]