Tech companies join Muslim groups in support of historic bill to end travel ban

(Religion News) Ahead of a congressional hearing this week on the Trump administration’s travel ban, more than a dozen leading technology companies, including Twitter and Airbnb, have thrown their support behind a congressional bill to end the controversial measure.

“As a platform that connects people from all walks of life, to the tastes, scents and goods that power our communities, the Muslim Ban goes against America’s core values and risks undermining neighborhood prosperity,” said Vikrum Aiyer, vice president of global public policy at Postmates, a popular local food delivery company.

The hearing, scheduled for Tuesday (Sept. 24), held jointly by the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations and the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration and Citizenship, is expected to discuss the impact of the ban on Muslim families, as well as the NO BAN Act, a bicameral bill to end the ban.

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