
Trial of trio accused of acquiring drone parts for IS starts today ‘Taxachaufføren,’ ‘Cykelhandleren’ and ‘Underviseren’ could be handed life imprisonment if additional terror charges stick

(Copenhagen Post) The long-awaited trial of three Danes charged with acquiring drone parts on behalf of Islamic State is scheduled to start today at Copenhagen City Court. Additionally they are charged with terrorism. It will be contended that the trio spent 400,000 […]


Women’s March replaces three original leaders, after anti-Semitism accusations, with 16 board members Calls for the co-chairs to resign arose before the 2019 Women’s March on Washington.

(Washington Post) The Women’s March is replacing three inaugural board members who have been dogged by accusations of anti-Semitism, infighting and financial mismanagement — controversies some say have slowed the organization’s progress and diminished its impact. Co-Chairs Bob Bland, Tamika Mallory and […]