Green Party candidate out of the race after anti-Muslim social media post surfaces Erik Schomann posted a photo on social media with a caption about sending a pig carcass to Muslims

(CBC) The Green Party has turfed one of its Ontario candidates over an old social media post in which he spoke about sending a pig carcass to Muslims.

Erik Schomann, who was the party’s candidate in Simcoe North, posted a photo of himself helping to roast a pig, with the caption: “We sent the leftovers to Denmark in support of the protesters of the Muhammad comic.”

It’s not clear when the photo was posted — it’s now dated 1983 — but the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten‘s publication of a cartoon depicting the Prophet Mohammed as a terrorist with a bomb in 2005 caused widespread global outrage.

The National Council of Canadian Muslims issued a news release urging Green Party Leader Elizabeth May to dump Schomann from the race.

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