
Muslim communities worry that Islamophobic violence is being forgotten during election campaign As party leaders roll out campaign promises, the problem of racist violence seems to be flying under the radar

(CBC) Three months after all major party leaders gave emotional speeches at a vigil in London, Ontario, for the four members of the [Afzaal] family who were killed in a drive-by attack, the threat of Islamophobic violence still hasn’t emerged as an […]


Civil rights groups want to challenge Quebec religious symbols ban in Supreme Court Appeals Court last week rejected request for injunction on sections of Bill 21

(CBC) Civil rights groups challenging Quebec’s controversial ban on religious symbols want to take their case to Canada’s top court. Quebec’s Court of Appeal last week rejected a request to suspend portions of the law, known as Bill 21, pending a ruling on its constitutionality. […]


Quebec’s top court won’t suspend province’s religious symbols ban, but judges say rights being violated Province’s controversial Bill 21 passes major legal test; opponents vow to continue fight

(CBC) Quebec’s Court of Appeal has refused to suspend the province’s controversial ban on religious symbols, even while acknowledging it causes “irreparable harm” to those affected. The province’s top court was ruling on a request to stay sections of the Laicity Act, or Bill 21, […]

Academics & Education

3 CSDM teachers have taken off religious symbols to work, school board says The board would not specify what kind of symbols the teachers wore

(CBC) The largest school board in Quebec says three teachers have been directly affected by Quebec’s secularism law, formerly known as Bill 21. On Tuesday afternoon, the Commission Scolaire de Montréal (CSDM) revealed the teachers took off their religious symbols in order to be able to […]


Muslim group sounds alarm over ‘human error’ in Quebec City police’s hate-crime numbers Earlier this year, the SPVQ said there was a big reduction in hate crime, but StatsCan numbers said otherwise

(CBC) A Muslim civil liberties group is calling on Quebec City police to take hate crimes more seriously, after the police force blamed “human error” for a large discrepancy between their own records and those provided by Statistics Canada. “All Canadians deserve to feel […]


Civil rights groups seek appeal of judge’s refusal to freeze parts of Quebec’s religious symbols law Civil Liberties Association, National Council of Muslims sought injunction hours after law passed in June

(CBC) Two civil rights groups are seeking an appeal after a Quebec Superior Court justice refused their emergency request to temporarily freeze parts of the province’s new religious symbols law. The National Council of Canadian Muslims (NCCM) and the Canadian Civil Liberties […]


Hate crimes targeting Muslims in Canada down 50 percent in 2018, new data shows But experts say data doesn't paint a full picture, with about two-thirds of hate crimes never reported to police

(Middle East Eye) Hate crimes against Muslims in Canada were down 50 percent in 2018 compared to the year before, a new report by Statistics Canada has said. But a national advocacy group has warned about an uptick in hate incidents targeting religious institutions. […]


Canadian Muslim group declines invitation to attend US summit on religious freedom Trump's Muslim ban cited as main reason not to attend the conference, says National Council of Canadian Muslims

(Middle East Eye) A prominent Canadian Muslim advocacy group has declined an invitation to attend an upcoming US government conference on religious freedom because of President Donald Trump’s travel ban of several Muslim-majority countries. The National Council of Canadian Muslims (NCCM) on […]


Quebec premier shrugs off charge new religious symbols law makes Muslim women more vulnerable to racism François Legault skeptical of Muslims who say Islamophobia's on the rise in Quebec

(CBC) Quebec Premier François Legault says he doesn’t “really” believe Muslim women in the province who say they’ve been the target of Islamophobic incidents since the government passed a law making it illegal for some civil servants to wear religious symbols. Several Muslim […]