Suspect in Amsterdam CS attack wanted to kill ‘cruel, unfair’ people for insulting Islam

(NL Times) Jawed S., the 20-year-old Afghan man who stabbed two American tourists at Amsterdam Central Station last year, came to the Netherlands to “kill unfair and cruel people,” he said during the first day of his trial at the high-security court in Amsterdam on Monday. “That was the intention with which I came to the Netherlands to protect my prophet. You gave the pig the space to express himself like that,” S. said, according to AD reporter Cyril Rosman’s live tweets from the courtroom.

With “pig” S. referred to PVV leader Geert Wilders, [which] was clarified after some discussion in the court room. For clarity, the court asked S. to refer to Wilders by name, but he refused. “I don’t respect him. You can assume that every time I say pig, I mean him,” S. said. The “you” that gave Wilders the space to express himself, according to S., is the Dutch state.

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