Trial starts against suspect in Amsterdam CS attack

(NL Times) The trial against Jawed S., the man suspected of stabbing two American tourists at Amsterdam Central Station on August 31st last year, starts in the high-security court in Amsterdam on Monday. The two victims will be present at the trial. The three police officers who stopped S.’s attack and arrested him will also speak in the trial, with their identities hidden for security reasons, RTL Nieuws and Nieuwsuur report.

Jawed S., 20, fled Afghanistan a few years ago and ended up in a shelter in Germany. It seems that he radicalized in the asylum center — an employee reported to the German security services that he noticed the man’s appearance and behavior change. S. grew a beard and his posts on social media became increasingly radical, according to RTL. Every day he posted a video focused on the prophet Mohammed. PVV leader Geert Wilders also made regular appearances on his Facebook timeline.

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