Muslim group sounds alarm over ‘human error’ in Quebec City police’s hate-crime numbers Earlier this year, the SPVQ said there was a big reduction in hate crime, but StatsCan numbers said otherwise

(CBC) A Muslim civil liberties group is calling on Quebec City police to take hate crimes more seriously, after the police force blamed “human error” for a large discrepancy between their own records and those provided by Statistics Canada.

“All Canadians deserve to feel safe, all Quebecers deserve to feel safe and that can’t happen when people are coming out and patting themselves on the back for numbers that don’t exist,” Mustafa Farooq, executive director of the National Council of Canadian Muslims, said in a phone interview Friday.

In January, Quebec City police (SPVQ) announced there had been 27 hate-related incidents in 2018, a substantial reduction from 75 a year earlier.

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