Clerics & Preachers

France deports Salafist preacher accused of ‘radicalising Muslims’ to Algeria Salafist preacher Abderrahim Sayah was deported from France to Algeria after being accused of 'radicalising' Muslims in Hautmont

(New Arab) The French government has deported an Algerian Salafist preacher who was accused of glorifying terrorism, French media reported on Wednesday. Abderrahim Sayah, who founded the As-Sunnah mosque in Hautmont which was shut down by authorities in 2018, was deported to Algeria on instructions from […]


German Hezbollah mosque declares it is proud of terrorism and pro-Khamenei According to the intelligence document reviewed by the Post, the number of Hezbollah members climbed from 105 in 2017 to 110 in 2018 in North Rhine-Westphalia.

(Jerusalem Post) The Hezbollah mosque in the German city of Münster posted a shocking video in December on its Facebook page, announcing it was proud of terrorism and its allegiance to the Islamic Republic of Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei. The Washington-based […]