In ‘grey zone’ of national security, suspects face no charges but can’t leave Canada

(Global News) To Canadian national security officials, Samy Nefkha-Bahri is a supporter of “armed jihad abroad,” who had “dubious associations” and wanted to take part in “combat in Syria.”

Classified government reports obtained by Global News allege he led a group that was preparing to travel “for the purpose of participating in the activities of a terrorist group.”

But instead of arresting and charging the Montreal resident, federal officials grounded him: they denied him a passport “to prevent the commission of a terrorism offence.”

The case is one of a handful that show how Canada’s national security agencies have been dealing with those they suspect may be terrorist threats.

Rather than charging them with terrorism, federal authorities have blocked them from leaving Canada by harnessing the no-fly list, peace bonds and the denial of passports.

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