Government & Politics

Athens wants to extend Evros border fence

(Kathimerini) The government wants to extend the fence on the Greek-Turkish border in Evros, recent diplomatic initiatives by Greek officials in Brussels have demonstrated. Kathimerini understands that Migration Minister Notis Mitarakis sent a letter to the European Union’s home affairs commissioner, Ylva […]

Government & Politics

Muslim Brotherhood’s influence in Europe laid bare Austrian report says taxpayers are unwittingly funding the group, which has close ties to Turkey

(National-UAE) The Muslim Brotherhood has established vast influence in Europe and public bodies are unwittingly funding its activities, experts believe. Despite having only a few hundred senior figures in Europe, Brotherhood activists have sought to portray themselves as representatives for the entire […]


Belgium sentences two ISIS fighters to five years in jail Boutallis was killed in a suicide attack in Iraq in November 2015. Since their death was not officially confirmed, both were still put on trial.

(Kurdistan 24) Belgian Islamic State (ISIS) fighters Olivier Calebout and Lucas Van Hessche have been sentenced to five years in jail by a court in Bruges, Belgium, for their membership in the group, Belgian media reported. The Belgian newspaper HLN reported that […]

Children & Teens

German court jails IS bride for crimes against humanity A Bavarian court has handed a 10-year prison sentence to a German woman who allowed a 5-year-old Yazidi 'slave' girl to die of thirst.

(Deutsche Welle) The Munich Higher Regional Court has imprisoned a German woman for 10 years after hearing she stood idly by as a 5-year-old Yazidi “slave” girl was left to die of thirst in the sun. Monday’s conviction of the 30-year-old Jennifer […]

Government & Politics

Germany: Cologne’s mosques to play call to prayer on Fridays Cologne's mayor said allowing the muezzin call to be heard was a 'sign of respect.' Under a new agreement, the city's mosques will be able to broadcast their call to prayer for two years, subject to renewal.

(Deutsche Welle) The Central Mosque of Cologne will be permitted to broadcast its call to prayer over loudspeakers on Friday afternoons, officials said on Monday. All 35 mosques in the western German city will now be able to play the call for up to five […]

Government & Politics

Germany’s Cologne to allow public Muslim call to prayer in two-year pilot scheme Cologne Mayor Henriette Reker said that the decision came in response to requests, calling it 'a sign of mutual acceptance of religion.'

(New Arab) Municipal authorities in the western German city of Cologne have announced that the Muslim call to prayer will be allowed to be recited on loudspeakers on Fridays, when Muslims hold weekly congregational prayers. The public call to prayer, known in Arabic […]

Clerics & Preachers

Germany investigates man on suspicion of spying for Turkey Police have arrested a Turkish man in Düsseldorf possessing weapons and a list of supporters of the Gulen movement, which the Turkish government has labeled 'terrorists.'

(Deutsche Welle) Germany’s federal prosecutor general announced Friday that the investigation resulting from a raid on a Düsseldorf hotel that saw the arrest of a Turkish man identified as Ali D. was being treated as a case of suspected espionage on behalf of the […]

Government & Politics

Barbed wire, curfews and wi-fi: EU touts ‘new generation’ migrant camp in Greece The sprawling facility — the first of five the EU is funding — has amenities like playgrounds and air conditioning, but is also heavily policed and remote.

(Politico) Fifteen minutes outside the town of Vathy stands a just-completed compound, surrounded by a double barbed-wire fence. The entrance, only open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., is equipped with turnstiles, magnetic gates and X-ray machines. Guards check both ID cards […]