Health & Medicine

Israel-Hamas war: Police seek two women who wore images of paragliders at London protest The images may be a reference to Hamas storming into Israel on motorised paragliders during a surprise attack last weekend that included the murder of 260 people at a music festival.

(Sky News) Two women who wore images of paragliders on their backs during yesterday’s protest for Palestinians are now being sought by London police. The women, who wore red and black jackets, are being asked to come forward as part of an […]

Academics & Education

Several UK Jewish schools close ‘in interests of the safety of our precious children’ It comes as Jewish students were being warned by schools to disguise their uniform because of a fear of retaliatory attacks caused by the ongoing war in Israel.

(Sky News) Four Jewish schools in north London are closing their doors “in the interests of the safety of our precious children.” Torah Vodaas Primary School in Edgware, Ateres Beis Yaakov Primary School in Colindale, and Menorah High School in Neasden informed […]


Man arrested for bringing Israeli flag to Sydney pro-Palestinian protest says ‘police should feel ashamed of themselves’ A Sydney man has slammed police for arresting him after he brought an Israeli flag to a pro-Palestinian rally on Monday night, claiming the actions of the officers were 'excessive.'

(Sky News) A Sydney man arrested for turning up to a pro-Palestinian rally with an Israeli flag has told Sky News Australia that police “should feel ashamed of themselves.” Mark Spiro said he was hauled away by three police officers after being […]

Government & Politics

Suella Braverman urged to ‘stand up’ to France and demand repayment after reports Channel interceptions are falling Prime Minister Rishi Sunak agreed a three-year £480m Anglo-French deal in March as a key element of his pledge to 'stop the boats.' Despite this, the Telegraph reports French interceptions in the Channel are falling.

(Sky News) Suella Braverman has been urged to “stand up” to France as reports emerged the country is intercepting fewer migrants in the Channel despite a £480m funding deal. The call from Conservative MP Jonathan Gullis came as the Telegraph claimed just […]

Government & Politics

Over 100,000 people now likely to have crossed Channel in small boats since records began New arrivals crossing the English Channel this week have now likely taken the overall number of people who have made the journey in small boats to more than 100,000 since records started in 2018.

(Sky News) The number of people who have crossed the English Channel in small boats in the past five years is now likely to have passed 100,000. Government figures show that since 2018, when records began, 99,960 people have made the perilous […]

Banks & Banking

Banks accused of closing accounts belonging to British Muslims The Muslim Council of Britain has written to political leaders, saying members of the community are 'disproportionately affected' and need to have their rights protected.

(Sky News) British Muslims are having their bank accounts closed “without adequate transparency and recourse,” representatives have claimed. The Muslim Council of Britain (MCB) said individuals and organisations in the community were being “disproportionately affected by this issue” — leaving the group […]

Discrimination & “Islamophobia”

Tory ‘turmoil’ stopped party tackling Islamophobia in its ranks Two years after a report into discrimination within the party concluded, its author says progress has been 'slow' due to multiple changes at the top.

(Sky News) The “turmoil” at the top of the Tories has led to “slow” progress in tackling Islamophobia within the party, an independent reviewer has said. Boris Johnson launched an inquiry into discrimination within its ranks after the last election in 2019. […]

Government & Politics

Suella Braverman says risk of terrorism ‘rising’ as review says Islamist terror is primary threat The Home Secretary Suella Braverman was speaking following [an] update to the government's counter-terrorism strategy, CONTEST. Islamist and right-wing extremism were highlighted as the two main threats in the UK.

(Sky News) The risk from terrorism is “rising,” Home Secretary Suella Braverman has said. The cabinet minister was speaking as the government published a review of its counter-terrorism strategy, CONTEST, which has been updated for the first time in five years. Ms […]

Government & Politics

Rishi Sunak says small boats plan is ‘working’ — despite record number of crossings at weekend The prime minister spoke as his flagship Illegal Migration Bill heads back to the Commons after suffering a number of defeats in the House of Lords.

(Sky News) Rishi Sunak has insisted his plan to stop small boat crossings in the Channel is “working” — despite more than 1,000 people making the journey over the weekend. The prime minister said he has always acknowledged that crossings “will increase […]

Government & Politics

Manchester Arena bombing inquiry: Chairman raises concerns about slow uptake of recommendations to monitor security services Chairman Sir John Saunders has suggested ways to track the progress of MI5 and Counter Terrorism Policing including an unpaid check-up meeting by his inquiry team.

(Sky News) There is no mechanism to make sure improvements have been made by MI5 after they made “mistakes” over the Manchester Arena bombing, the chairman of the inquiry has said. Sir John Saunders said there is no agreement on how to […]

Government & Politics
Children & Teens

Lee Rigby’s son speaks out for first time since his dad was murdered 10 years ago Jack Rigby was a toddler when his dad was murdered. Now aged 12, he is fundraising for charity to mark the 10th anniversary of his father's death.

(Sky News) Lee Rigby’s 12-year-old son has spoken out for the first time since his dad was murdered in 2013. Jack Rigby was just two-years-old when Fusilier Lee Rigby was killed by Islamic extremists outside his barracks in Woolwich, south London, in […]


Twitter user who published image of severed head sentenced to five and a half years in prison As well as tweeting out a picture of French teacher Samuel Paty's severed head, he also sought to encourage attacks on the governments of countries he believed to be 'acting against Islam,' the prosecutor said.

(Sky News) A Twitter user has been jailed for more than five years after using the platform to publish images encouraging the beheading of teachers for blasphemy against Islam. Ajmal Shahpal, 41, from Nottingham, made the comments shortly after a teacher was […]

Children & Teens

Suella Braverman describes grooming gang comments as ‘unfashionable facts’ after backlash The home secretary claimed it was not racist to speak 'plain truths' after she was accused of amplifying far-right narratives with claims most grooming gang members are British-Pakistani.

(Sky News) Suella Braverman has defended her use of language after claiming grooming gang members are “almost all British-Pakistani,” describing them as “unfashionable facts” in the face of a backlash. In a column for the Spectator, the home secretary said it was […]


Shabazz Suleman: British IS recruit who claimed he spent time in Syria ‘on Playstation’ pleads guilty to terror offence Shabazz Suleman, who was arrested after returning to Heathrow in 2021, previously insisted he spent most of his three years in terrorist territory playing PlayStation and riding his bike.

(Sky News) A former grammar school pupil has pleaded guilty to travelling to Syria to join Islamic State, despite previously claiming he had spent his time there playing computer games. Shabazz Suleman had just completed his AS-levels at a grammar school in […]

Children & Teens

Muslim groups urge Suella Braverman to withdraw ‘irresponsible and divisive’ grooming gang comments A Home Office-commissioned study in 2020 found that group-based child sexual exploitation offenders are most commonly white.

(Sky News) Suella Braverman has been urged to withdraw “divisive” comments around child sexual exploitation (CSE) by dozens of medical bodies, businesses and Muslim community organisations, Sky News can reveal. A number of Muslim organisations across the country have written to Rishi […]

Government & Politics

Home Office confirms plan to house asylum seekers in giant barge in Dorset The plan has proved controversial after the local MP and council raised concerns the area is inappropriate for hundreds of asylum seekers to be placed. But the government has said it needs to move them out of expensive hotels.

(Sky News) A giant vessel docked off the Dorset coast will be used to hold hundreds of asylum seekers, the Home Office has confirmed, despite legal threats from local Tories. The barge, called the Bibby Stockholm, will be berthed in Portland Port […]

Government & Politics

Manchester Arena attack victim’s father intends to sue MI5 for failing to stop bombing Andrew Roussos, father to victim Saffie Roussos, said that the apology from MI5 came too late, and he wishes he could have his daughter back.

(Sky News) The father of the youngest victim of the Manchester Arena bombing intends to sue MI5. Eight-year-old Saffie Roussos was one of the 22 people killed in the attack by suicide bomber Salman Abedi, 22, in May 2017. Now her father, […]

Academics & Education

Suella Braverman alarmed by ‘death threats’ against pupils who allegedly damaged Koran The home secretary made the remark after four students were suspended over an incident at a school in West Yorkshire. A copy of the Islamic text was reportedly brought into school before its cover was slightly torn and smears of dirt were found on some pages.

(Sky News) Reports of death threats against West Yorkshire school pupils who allegedly damaged a copy of the Koran are alarming, the home secretary has said. Suella Braverman has spoken of her “deep concern” over the case and said it raises broader […]

Government & Politics

Clare O’Neil says protecting Australians is ‘driving force’ for decisions in the case of domestic terrorist Abdul Nacer Benbrika Home Affairs Minister Clare O’Neil has faced questions around the release of one of Australia’s most infamous domestic terrorists, as his detention order is set to expire.

(Sky News) Home Affairs Minister Clare O’Neil has reassured Australians that national security is of utmost importance while being quizzed about the potential release of Abdul Nacer Benbrika. The infamous domestic terrorist’s future is up in the air, with a detention order […]

Government & Politics

Six men jailed for people-smuggling after joint operation by British and French police The French authorities were alerted about an illicit shipment which saw the launch of surveillance leading to 'one of many significant operational results over the last two to three years' and disruption to a number of organised gangs.

(Sky News) Six men have been convicted of people-smuggling and sent to prison following a joint operation between British and French police. The men were given sentences ranging from two to five years after a trial in the French city of Douai. […]

Health & Medicine

Man charged with terrorism offences after incident at Leeds St James’s Hospital maternity unit Mohammad Farooq has been charged with engaging in the preparation of an act of terrorism and with explosives and firearms offences following the incident at St James's Hospital.

(Sky News) A man has been charged under the Terrorism Act following an incident at a hospital’s maternity wing in Leeds. Mohammad Farooq, 27, of Roundhay, Leeds, was charged with engaging in the preparation of an act of terrorism and with explosives […]

Health & Medicine

Barber shop owner who sent COVID grants money to Islamic State fighters jailed Police identified transfers of money with a total of about £11,280 — while the court heard Tarek Namouz was recorded telling a visitor in prison he had sent around £25,000.

(Sky News) A barber shop owner who sent thousands of pounds to Islamic State (IS) fighters in Syria after claiming COVID grant payments has been jailed for 12 years. Tarek Namouz, 43, from Hammersmith in west London, had received the bounce-back loans […]

Government & Politics

Rishi Sunak’s Albania immigration strategy unlikely to reduce Channel crossings, claims source The prime minister's flagship policy is unlikely to reduce overall illegal immigration, a senior source at the Home Office has warned.

(Sky News) Rishi Sunak’s flagship policy to stop Albanian migrants crossing the English Channel in small boats is unlikely to reduce overall illegal immigration because of “infinite” demand, Home Office sources have warned. The prime minister’s five-point plan, launched last month, specifically […]


Record number of people cross Channel to UK in small boats in 2022 — as arrivals soar by 60% in a year The figures, compiled and analysed by Sky News, show a sharp rise in the number of arrivals last year — a continuation of a years-long trend that shows no signs of stopping.

(Sky News) A record 45,728 people crossed the English Channel to the UK on small boats in 2022, up more than 60% on the previous year as migrants continue to risk their lives making the dangerous journey. The perils of the deep […]

Government & Politics

Disused cruise ships could house asylum seekers — as government due to spend £2.3bn a year on hotels The home secretary told peers at a committee there are 117,000 people in the UK's asylum system, with 40,000 in hotels, which is costing more than £5m a day.

(Sky News) Disused cruise ships could be used to house asylum seekers — while the government expects to spend £3.5bn on people who have come to the UK to find sanctuary from persecution this fiscal year, the home secretary has said. Suella […]

Government & Politics

Tories call for changes to modern slavery rules to send ‘bogus asylum seekers’ home A group of Tory MPs wants to make it easier to return 'bogus asylum seekers' to the homes 'in the villages from which they came from.'

(Sky News) A group of more than 50 MPs has written to PM Rishi Sunak, urging him to introduce emergency legislation which will cut small boat crossings of the Channel. The group, which includes former cabinet ministers, called for the rapid implementation […]

Academics & Education

Shamima Begum: Police and school ‘missed opportunities’ to stop her leaving UK, lawyers claim Questions have been raised over whether 'key indicators' that Ms Begum and her two school friends were at risk of being trafficked were missed.

(Sky News) The police and her school missed opportunities to stop Shamima Begum travelling to Syria and joining ISIS and should have stopped her, according to her lawyers. There were questions about whether “key indicators” that Ms Begum and her two school […]

Children & Teens

Shamima Begum was sexually exploited by ISIS, appeal hearing told Ms Begum, now 23, left Britain with two friends from the Bethnal Green Academy in east London, who are thought to have been killed in the conflict.

(Sky News) Shamima Begum, the jihadi bride, was trafficked by ISIS for sexual exploitation, her lawyers have told a hearing to appeal against her deprivation of citizenship. She launched her main appeal against the decision, with her lawyers telling a tribunal: “Shamima […]


Drill rapping ‘terrorist’ Al Arfat Hassan ‘threatened blood and torment if his girlfriend left him,’ court hears Al Arfat Hassan, 19, from Enfield, told his girlfriend he would 'blow sh*t up' if she broke up with him and told her she couldn't visit her eight-year-old cousin without wearing a veil.

(Sky News) A drill rapping alleged terrorist threatened to bring “blood, terror and torment” when his girlfriend told her she was splitting up with him, a court has heard. Al Arfat Hassan, 19, had a series of arguments with a girl he […]


Revealed: The breadcrumb trail that identified the IS ‘Beatles’ Police followed a 'trail of very small breadcrumbs' to identify the British terrorists, but one piece of information a hostage felt was 'fairly unremarkable' turned out to be hugely significant.

(Sky News) Freed hostages were able to give British police key information identifying an IS kidnap gang nicknamed “The Beatles” which had held and tortured them, Scotland Yard has revealed. Officers have disclosed key breakthroughs that allowed them to identify the jihadis […]

Government & Politics

Liz Truss says she would ‘support and extend’ the [government’s] controversial Rwanda deportation policy ‘to more countries’ The government announced its plan to send migrants who arrive illegally in the UK to Rwanda just three months ago, saying it would deter people from making the Channel crossings.

(Sky News) Liz Truss has said she would “support and extend” the government’s controversial Rwanda deportation policy “to more countries.” The widely criticised strategy, introduced by the current Conservative government, has been the subject of numerous court cases and received widespread international […]

Law Enforcement

Man charged with terror offences after arrest at Heathrow Airport, Thames Valley Police say Shabazz Suleman, 25, who is accused of being a member of the so-called Islamic State terrorist group, will appear at Westminster Magistrates' Court in London on Wednesday.

(Sky News) A man has been charged with terror offences after being arrested at Heathrow Airport, Thames Valley Police said. Shabazz Suleman, who is also accused of being a member of the Islamic State group, will appear at Westminster Magistrates’ Court on […]

Government & Politics

Afghanistan: Person on no-fly list flown into UK during evacuation operation, MPs told The individual, who is not being identified by the government, is understood to have reached UK soil on a British military plane, with officials being alerted overnight.'

(Sky News) A person from Afghanistan on the UK’s no-fly list has been flown into Birmingham as part of the British evacuation operation in a potential security breach, MPs have been told. The individual, who is not being identified by the government, […]

Law Enforcement

Fishmongers’ Hall: Intelligence warned killer might attack on release — but it wasn’t widely circulated, inquest told Before Khan's release, a policeman's pocket book recorded he was a 'radicaliser of others' and in prison 'holds shariah court.'

(Sky News) Intelligence warned the Fishmongers’ Hall killer might launch an attack on his release from prison — but it was not shared with his probation officer, an inquest has heard. Usman Khan was handed an indeterminate sentence in 2012 for plotting […]


Shamima Begum: IS bride ‘angry, upset and crying’ after court rules she can’t return to UK Her friends at their camp in northern Syria told Sky News she is refusing to speak to them.

(Sky News) IS bride Shamima Begum is “very angry, upset and crying” after being refused permission to return to the UK to fight a decision to strip her of British citizenship. On Friday, five Supreme Court justices unanimously turned down her request […]

Government & Politics

Terrorists should ‘not necessarily’ serve full jail term, says Jeremy Corbyn The father of terror victim Jack Merritt does not wish his son's death to be 'used as a pretext for more draconian sentences.'

(Sky News) Jeremy Corbyn has told Sky News that convicted terrorists should “not necessarily” automatically serve their full prison sentences. The Labour leader’s comment comes in the wake of Friday’s London Bridge terror attack, which left two people dead. The attacker, 28-year-old […]

Law Enforcement

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi death: Monitoring of Islamist extremist suspects in Britain stepped up The move is precautionary amid warnings of potential reprisal attacks after Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi killed himself in a US raid.

(Sky News) Security officials are increasing monitoring of high-priority Islamist extremist suspects in Britain following the death of the leader of Islamic State, according to Sky sources. The move is precautionary amid warnings of the potential for reprisal attacks by supporters of […]