
Danish opposition parties ask MPs to ensure parliament attendance to reject bill banning Quran burning Government's bill expected to be moved for voting during current parliamentary session, which begins after autumn recess

(Anadolu) Five Danish opposition parties announced on Tuesday that they will mobilize as many of their MPs as possible to oppose the government’s bill to criminalize defaming religious symbols, including the Muslim holy book, Quran. The bill is expected to be moved […]

Government & Politics

Party wants to print Mohammed cartoons in Danish newspapers Nye Borgerlige head Pernille Vermund said there is no room for compromise when the freedom of speech is on the line

(Copenhagen Post) Earlier this month, the French school teacher Samuel Paty was murdered after he had shown the Mohammed cartoons — famously printed in Jyllands-Posten newspaper in 2005 — to his students. And then yesterday, three people were killed in the Notre […]

Government & Politics

Parties push to ban calls to prayer in Denmark Venstre politicians say calls to prayer in public places are ‘very disruptive’ in Denmark, but a ban could go against the Constitution

(Copenhagen Post) Several political parties are urging the government to investigate the possibility of banning calls to prayer such as those heard from mosques, arguing that they are “very disruptive.” Venstre, Dansk Folkeparti, Konservative and Nye Borgerlige are presenting a resolution regarding […]


Poll reveals opposition to citizenship for devout Muslims The constitutionally guaranteed freedom of religion is increasingly coming under threat in Denmark if a new opinion poll is to be believed

(Copenhagen Post) Amongst the causes closest to the heart of the Nye [Borgerlige] right-wing nationalist party is a desire that immigration policy should be toughened up even more than it is today. One of the measures the party advocates is the idea […]