A quarter of Danes want to kick Muslims out of Denmark Older Danes are particularly concerned about immigration

(Copenhagen Post) Australian TV broadcaster ABC recently levelled considerable criticism at Denmark based on interviews with a number of right-wing politicians, including Rasmus Paludan, the head of anti-Islamic party Stram Kurs.

And while the TV program came under fire for being unbalanced, perhaps ABC wasn’t as far off the mark as some would like to believe.

A new YouGov survey conducted on behalf of media outlet Mandag Morgen has revealed that 28 percent of Danes either agree or partially agreed that all Muslims should leave Denmark.

“It’s brutal that so many can agree to Muslims being expelled from Denmark. It could be an effect of the paradigm shift from the spring that involved refugees being sent back home when conditions in their homelands improve,” Christian Albrekt Larsen, a professor from Aalborg University, told Mandag Morgen.

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