Government & Politics

Party wants to print Mohammed cartoons in Danish newspapers Nye Borgerlige head Pernille Vermund said there is no room for compromise when the freedom of speech is on the line

(Copenhagen Post) Earlier this month, the French school teacher Samuel Paty was murdered after he had shown the Mohammed cartoons — famously printed in Jyllands-Posten newspaper in 2005 — to his students. And then yesterday, three people were killed in the Notre […]


Media: ‘Bookseller from Brønshøj’ sentenced to death in Morocco In 2015, Said Mansour became the first person ever to be stripped of his Danish citizenship. Four years later, he was shipped off to Morocco

(Copenhagen Post) Last year, Said Mansour was deported to Morocco after becoming the first person in history to be stripped of a Danish citizenship. Now, according to several Moroccan media outlets, the 60-year-old has been sentenced to death in Morocco for his […]

Children & Teens

Iranian ambassador summoned for role in Sharia law divorce contracts Foreign minister Jeppe Kofod wants an explanation and calls Iranian interference in Danish law unacceptable

(Copenhagen Post) Today, the government outlined plans to crack down hard on imams who propagate Sharia law divorce documents. Now, in a stunning turn of events, Iran’s ambassador to Denmark, Afsaneh Nadipour, has been summoned to the Danish Foreign Ministry to explain […]

Arts & Entertainment

Jyllands-Posten rejects Charlie Hebdo’s request to reprint controversial Mohammed caricatures

(Copenhagen Post) Aarhus-based media outlet Jyllands-Posten on Wednesday rejected French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo’s request to reprint the controversial Mohammed cartoons. Following the rejection, Charlie Hebdo, whose offices in Paris were attacked in 2015, reprinted the caricatures individually. The move came after the […]

Government & Politics

Parties push to ban calls to prayer in Denmark Venstre politicians say calls to prayer in public places are ‘very disruptive’ in Denmark, but a ban could go against the Constitution

(Copenhagen Post) Several political parties are urging the government to investigate the possibility of banning calls to prayer such as those heard from mosques, arguing that they are “very disruptive.” Venstre, Dansk Folkeparti, Konservative and Nye Borgerlige are presenting a resolution regarding […]

Government & Politics

Man convicted of joining ISIS says he was a spy for Danish intelligence Ahmed Samsam claims he travelled to Syria on behalf of police and defence services in Denmark

(National-UAE) A Danish man who is serving eight years in a Spanish jail for joining ISIS in Syria has claimed he was actually working for Denmark’s intelligence services. Ahmed Samsam, 30, travelled to Syria “several” times under the direction of Denmark’s Police […]

Discrimination & “Islamophobia”

Denmark: Young women fight the government’s ghetto list Denmark draws up a list of areas it dubs 'ghettos' every year. This time, a group of young women from one of the vulnerable neighborhoods has been trying to put a stop to what they see as stigmatization.

(Deutsche Welle) This year four young women from one of Denmark’s so-called ghettos, Tingbjerg, had had enough. In an open letter to Housing Minister Kaare Dybvad, they protested against the annual “ghetto list” of underprivileged neighborhoods that the Danish government presents each […]

Children & Teens

Denmark blocks return of ISIS fighters’ children stranded in Syria Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen said children should remain with their parents, who are not welcome in Denmark

(National-UAE) Denmark will not allow the return of about 30 children whose parents travelled to Syria and Iraq to fight for ISIS, the country’s prime minister said. Mette Frederiksen, the leader of the left-wing coalition government, said allowing children into Denmark would […]

Government & Politics

Turkey: US citizen Daesh terrorist repatriated ‘Total of 3 foreign national terrorists to be deported from our country today,’ says Turkish Interior Ministry spokesman

(Anadolu) Turkey has repatriated one Daesh/ISIS terrorist from the U.S. and this week will deport several more terrorists back to Germany, the country’s Interior Ministry said on Monday. “A U.S. citizen Daesh terrorist has been repatriated after the completion of legal procedures,” […]