Academics & Education

Muslim private school challenges termination of its contract in French court The large amount of inspections that Al Kindi gets in comparison to Catholic schools, as well as the [school’s] claims that the court’s allegations were already addressed, puts into question whether there is [Islamophobic] bias at play.

(Morocco World News) Al-Kindi, the only [Muslim] private high school in France and the sole Muslim institution with state partnership, is standing before the administrative court of Lyon today to appeal authorities’ decision to terminate its contract. The prefecture of Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes announced […]

Academics & Education

France: Muslim private schools under threat of closure After French authorities ended the last association contract with a Muslim school, the community and its leaders denounce Islamophobic and discriminatory measures

(Middle East Eye) More than 600 primary and secondary students at the Al Kindi private Muslim school group, located in the suburbs of Lyon, in central-eastern France, risk not returning to their school at the start of the next academic year. On […]

Academics & Education

Muslim school sues French politician for defamation The school administrators claim French officials are going all-out to rescind the state funding of the last Muslim school in France.

(Morocco World News) The Al-Kindi school group, a Muslim private school in Décines-Charpieu, a commune in the region of Lyon in south-eastern France, is suing a French MP for defamation after the politician accused the school of “denying history” and not teaching […]

Academics & Education

After religious symbols law, Quebec eyes ban on public prayer: Where the province is headed on secularism Existing laws, jurisprudence appear to provide plenty of ammo for Quebec to address school controversies

(CBC) After the Coalition Avenir Québec (CAQ) government tabled its secularism bill, Premier François Legault recorded a video address that intended to reassure people who felt the proposed legislation was going too far. “I feel like saying ‘finally,’” the premier said in […]

Government & Politics

France’s interior minister says he ‘does not rule out’ banning the Muslim Brotherhood Right-winger Bruno Retailleau, appointed in September, also advocates for a new criminal offence to fight 'insidious' political Islam in the country

(Middle East Eye) The new French interior minister, Bruno Retailleau, has declared that he is not ruling out classifying the Muslim Brotherhood as a “terrorist” group and banning it, while advocating for the establishment of a new criminal offence to fight political […]


Mannheim knife attack: Authorities suspect Islamist motive German federal prosecutors have begun investigating a knife attack which left a police officer dead in Mannheim. On Monday, thousands of people gathered in the southwestern German city to pay their respects.

(Deutsche Welle) German authorities say they believe there was an Islamist motive behind a knife attack at an anti-Islam rally in the southwestern German city of Mannheim on Friday during which a police officer was killed. The federal prosecutor, Germany’s highest prosecuting authority […]

Clerics & Preachers

Muslims in the German military to get their own chaplaincy Bundeswehr soldiers of Islamic faith have long lacked the pastoral care available to their Christian and, as of recent years, Jewish counterparts. What was once seen as politically impossible is about to change.

(Deutsche Welle) As the parliamentary commissioner for the German armed forces, or Bundeswehr, Eva Högl is responsible for ensuring that the issues and needs of German soldiers get heard. In mid-March, Högl presented her third annual report in her role as commissioner […]


Trèbes terrorist attack, five years on: A trial and a conversion The terrorism trial is an opportunity to recall the extraordinary heroism of Gendarmerie Colonel Arnaud Beltrame.

(European Conservative) Five years after the Islamist attacks that cost a gendarmerie officer his life, the trial against the terrorism co-conspirators opened in Paris this week. Lieutenant-Colonel Arnaud Beltrame died at the hands of terrorists in the Islamist attacks in Trèbes and […]

Clerics & Preachers

German MP: Taxpayers should fund German mosques to prevent radicalisation Critics agree that foreign funding should be banned, but say German Muslims should fund their own mosques.

(European Conservative) A top Christian Democrat politician wants to amend the constitution if necessary, so that German taxes can be used to pay for mosques.  Jens Spahn — a former minister and deputy leader of the opposition center-right CDU/CSU’s parliamentary group — […]

Children & Teens

Colorado imam to children at mosque: Jews are untrustworthy, even tried to kill Jesus The lesson included a story about Jewish fishermen leaving nets out on the Sabbath, citing the practice as an example of dishonest worship.

(Jerusalem Post) An imam in Colorado taught children this week that the Jews are an untrustworthy people who “lie and break their contract.” The imam, believed to be Umar Mitchell, said that the ancestors of today’s Jews killed the prophets God sent […]

Government & Politics

Meet Germany’s first Islamic affairs consultant How can local authorities best understand the various Islamic groups in their communities? Or integrate young Muslims? A German Islamic affairs consultant resolves conflicts between mosque communities and municipalities.

(Deutsche Welle) There are about 2,800 mosques in Germany. Often, they find themselves at the center of discussions or disputes, especially whenever Islamic houses of worship with distinctive characteristics, such as a tall minaret, appear as part of the cityscape. Although the […]


‘Burkini’ row erupts in Italy after mayor criticises Muslim beachgoers The mayor of a northern Italian town has sparked outrage by warning 'Muslim foreigners' to stop swimming 'with their clothes on' when visiting Italian beaches.

(Local) Italy is known for having some of Europe’s stricter rules on covering up in public, with regular reports of outrage over nudity and revealing swimwear. But on Wednesday, one politician from the nationalist League party in northern Italy sparked controversy by […]