German MP: Taxpayers should fund German mosques to prevent radicalisation Critics agree that foreign funding should be banned, but say German Muslims should fund their own mosques.

(European Conservative) A top Christian Democrat politician wants to amend the constitution if necessary, so that German taxes can be used to pay for mosques.  Jens Spahn — a former minister and deputy leader of the opposition center-right CDU/CSU’s parliamentary group — sees public funding for mosques as a bulwark against overseas influence.

Beatrix von Storch of the AfD previously warned it would be a mistake to finance mosque associations using German taxpayers’ money. While she agreed that the financing of mosques by Turkey or Qatar must be banned immediately, she argued that Muslims in Germany should finance their own mosques with their own contributions.

Germany has for many years faced the problem of mosques being financed by foreign countries such as Turkey, often combined with imams spreading radical, anti-Western and antisemitic rhetoric.

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