Cemeteries & Funerals

NSW Police monitoring a Sydney mosque which announced commemorative service for Hezbollah militant killed in Lebanon Sydney mosque Al Rahman has been revealed to be hosting a memorial service this week for a Hezbollah terrorist killed in Lebanon while fighting with Israel.

(Sky News) NSW Police say they are monitoring Al Rahman Mosque as it holds a commemorative service for Hezbollah fighter Hussein Ibrahim Salameh, known as Nasser, killed in Lebanon this month. On Christmas Eve, Hezbollah announced six militants were killed between December […]


Man arrested for bringing Israeli flag to Sydney pro-Palestinian protest says ‘police should feel ashamed of themselves’ A Sydney man has slammed police for arresting him after he brought an Israeli flag to a pro-Palestinian rally on Monday night, claiming the actions of the officers were 'excessive.'

(Sky News) A Sydney man arrested for turning up to a pro-Palestinian rally with an Israeli flag has told Sky News Australia that police “should feel ashamed of themselves.” Mark Spiro said he was hauled away by three police officers after being […]

Clerics & Preachers

‘I’m elated’: Scenes as Aussie Muslims celebrate Hamas in south-west Sydney As images of the devastation continued to emerge from Israel, there was celebration in Sydney’s west — with one Muslim preacher declaring 'it’s a day of pride.'

(News.com.au) A prominent Muslim preacher was filmed declaring “it’s a day of victory” to a roaring crowd in Sydney’s south-west on Sunday night amid violent scenes between Hamas and Israel. Wild scenes broke out in Lakemba and surrounding neighbourhoods as hundreds of […]