
Alleged terrorist Hamdi Alqudsi used ‘soccer game’ code in plans to send men to Syria, court told Phone taps of an accused terrorist who allegedly gathered men who pledged to ISIS used a code to try and avoid suspicion from police, a court has been told.

(NCA NewsWire) Extensive phone taps played to a court have revealed how the alleged leader of a Sydney-based terrorist group used a code in the form of an “A-League soccer team” to discuss alleged plans to send men to Syria to fight […]


Man allegedly plotted to fly ISIS flag on Sydney Harbour Bridge Phone taps allegedly uncovered a plot to fly the ISIS flag atop the Sydney Harbour Bridge and attack international tourists, a court has heard.

(NCA NewsWire) Extensive phone taps allegedly reveal the leader of a terrorist group plotted to fly the Islamic State flag on top of the Sydney Harbour Bridge and target international tourists in attacks, a court has heard. Hamdi Alqudsi, 48, faced the […]


Hamdi Alqudsi allegedly planned to attack navy base, courthouse and Mardi Gras in Sydney An accused terrorist gathered men who pledged allegiance to ISIS and allegedly made plans to attack Sydney’s navy base and the Mardi Gras parade, a court has been told.

(NCA NewsWire) A Sydney man is accused of leading a “terrorist group” called the Shura, which allegedly made plans to attack the city’s navy base, a courthouse, the Mardi Gras parade and Israeli embassy, a court has been told. Hamdi Alqudsi, 48, […]


IS fanatic Bourhan Hraichie’s non-parole period shortened on appeal The grim details of a prison attack carried out by an Islamic State-inspired religious fanatic have been laid bare as he appealed to have his sentence cut.

(NCA NewsWire) An Islamic State-inspired fanatic known for cruel attacks on fellow inmates has had his sentence cut after a court was found to have made errors when sentencing him. But Bourhan Hraichie, 25, whose crimes include carving an IS slogan into […]


Christmas Day terror plotter Ahmed Mohamed has sentence cut in ‘most unusual appeal’ A man who helped plot a Christmas Day terror attack to behead people in Melbourne and firebombed a mosque had a major win in court.

(NCA NewsWire) A man who firebombed a mosque and then weeks later was plotting to behead civilians on Christmas Day at an iconic Melbourne location has had his jail time cut. Ahmed Mohamed was found guilty of conspiring “in preparation for a […]


‘Fish brain’ Christmas terror plotter’s fight for freedom A 'fish brain' terrorist locked up for planning to behead and bomb in Melbourne on Christmas has appeared in court.

(NCA NewsWire) One of the men who helped plot a Christmas Day terror attack to behead and bomb people at Melbourne’s Federation Square has had his appeal dismissed after trying to argue the jury verdict was “unsafe and unsatisfactory.” Hamza Abbas was […]


‘Baby terrorist’ Alo-Bridget Namoa jailed for sending abusive texts to brother Jihadi bride Alo-Bridget Namoa has been jailed yet again, after she sent a barrage of threatening texts to her brother while off her psychiatric medications.

(Daily Telegraph) The self-described “baby terrorist” has been jailed yet again, after she sent a barrage of threatening texts to her brother while off her psychiatric medications. Jihadi bride Alo-Bridget Namoa was jailed for at least seven months by Magistrate Peter Feather, […]


‘Fish brain’ terror plotter Hamza Abbas launches new legal fight A 'fish brain' terror plotter locked up for planning to behead people at an iconic Melbourne location has launched a fresh legal fight.

(NCA NewsWire) One of the men who helped plot a Christmas Day terror attack to behead and bomb people at an iconic Melbourne location is arguing the jury verdict was “unsafe and unsatisfactory.” Hamza Abbas was found guilty of committing an act […]

Government & Politics

Fears of ‘chain-reaction’ 9/11 attack on Australia Australia was advised that its support of the US-led military response to the 9/11 attacks raised ‘our profile with the terrorists themselves.’

(NCA NewsWire) The Australian government feared terrorists would strike on our shores in the days after September 11 — and that the Defence Force was not equipped to fight back. Two decades since the attack on the United States that changed the […]


Magistrate labels terrorism allegations against Sydney man Daniel Greenfield ‘disturbing’: court A Sydney man who is accused of planning a terror attack has had his case labelled ‘disturbing’ in court today.

(NCA NewsWire) An alleged member of Islamic State has refused to appear in court on Saturday, as the magistrate labelled the case disturbing. Police will allege that 34-year-old Caringbah resident Daniel Greenfield had been plotting a terrorist attack to be carried out […]


Man jailed for plotting to kill police, attack buildings in terror acts has [sentence] reduced A man convicted over a crude terror plot to kill police officers and attack NSW government buildings has had his sentence reduced.

(NCA NewsWire) A man convicted of plotting to commit terrorist acts — some of which included killing police, attacking government buildings and engaging in “guerrilla warfare” — has had his jail term reduced. Jibryl Almaouie had pleaded guilty in 2017 to multiple […]


Melbourne terror cell leader Abdul Nacer Benbrika appeal fails A convicted Australian terrorist who professed admiration for Osama bin Laden has found out if he will have to stay behind bars for longer.

(NCA NewsWire) A terrorist who once professed admiration for Osama bin Laden failed to overturn a court decision keeping him behind bars for longer. Abdul Nacer Benbrika has spent 15 years behind bars after he was found guilty and jailed for being […]