
FBI director has been sounding alarm on ‘heightened threat environment’: Is America listening? FBI Director Christopher Wray has warned lawmakers that the threat of terrorism has risen to a whole other level since Oct. 7

(Fox) Whether it’s terrorism, China, or an insecure border, the U.S. faces a litany of threats both internally and internationally, according to the FBI. FBI Director Christopher Wray has repeatedly warned of a “heightened threat environment,” and has pleaded with lawmakers to […]


Man on terror watchlist was released by Border Patrol With border security funding blocked in Congress, the case illustrates the challenges U.S. officials face in identifying migrants who may pose national security threats.

(NBC) An Afghan migrant on the terrorist watchlist spent nearly a year inside the U.S. after he was apprehended and released by Border Patrol agents last year, U.S. officials told NBC News. The man was arrested in February and then released last […]

Academics & Education

Taxpayers’ funding to controversial mosque halted amid investigation The Green Lane Masjid and Community Centre was set to receive £2.2million before GB News raised concerns about controversial speeches

(GB News) A Birmingham mosque with a long history of hosting controversial speeches recently awarded millions in taxpayers’ cash has had its grant paused after a GB News investigation. The Green Lane Masjid and Community Centre in Birmingham was awarded £2.2million from […]

Children & Teens

Somali refugee wins second case against Norway over forced adoption Mariya Abdi Ibrahim won another case at Europe’s human rights court in 2019 over the forced adoption of her son, which resulted in Norway changing some of its regulations around adoption.

(Courthouse News) Norway violated the human rights of a Muslim refugee from Somalia when authorities removed her child from her care and placed him with a Christian family, Europe’s top rights court held Friday. The European Court of Human Rights found that […]

Government & Politics

Germany outlaws Islamist organization Ansaar International Interior Minister Horst Seehofer has banned the Düsseldorf-based Islamist association on suspicion of financing terrorist groups abroad such as the Palestinian Hamas and al-Shabab in Somalia.

(Deutsche Welle) Interior Minister Horst Seehofer announced on Wednesday that Germany has banned the Islamist organization Ansaar International and several of its sub-organizations. “The network finances terrorism worldwide with donations,” Seehofer’s spokesman Steve Alter tweeted on Wednesday. Alter quoted Seehofer as saying: “If you want to […]

Children & Teens

Forced adoption case against Norway hits European rights court A Muslim woman whose son was adopted against her wishes claims Norway violated her right to religious freedom by putting him in the care of a Christian family.

(Courthouse News) The European Court of Human Rights heard arguments Wednesday over whether Norway violated the religious rights of a Muslim woman whose child was forcibly adopted by Christians. During a remote hearing before the ECHR, lawyers for Mariya Ibrahim argued the […]


America faces a new counter-terrorism problem it is completely unprepared for Country lacks system to ensure that scores of jailed extremists no longer pose a threat after release

(National-UAE) Few people have defined America’s post-9/11 homegrown terrorist threat like John Walker Lindh, the so-called “American Taliban.” On May 23, having served 17 years of a 20-year sentence for aiding a terrorist organisation, Walker Lindh walked free from a high-security prison […]