Discrimination & “Islamophobia”

‘Insulting beliefs far from freedom’: Turkish president Ideological fanaticism has gained more ground, Turkish president tells annual convention of Muslim American Society

(Anadolu) Decrying rising Islamophobia in Western countries, the Turkish president said Saturday that insulting people’s beliefs has nothing to do with freedom. “You have been closely following the meanness in France towards the Prophet [Muhammad] under the label of ‘freedom of thought’,” […]


Members of Syrian Community Centre of Windsor protest, condemn France over Muhammad cartoons The group of about 30 held up signs condemning French President Emmanuel Macron

(CBC) Members of the Syrian Community Centre of Windsor gathered outside city hall on Friday to protest France’s reaction to Muhammad cartoons. The group of about 30 held up signs condemning French President Emmanuel Macron for recent “anti-Muslim comments” and his staunch […]

Government & Politics

Macron says he understands Muslims’ shock over prophet cartoons In an exclusive interview with Al Jazeera, French President Emmanuel Macron says he understands the ‘sentiments’ being expressed by the Muslim world over cartoons of Prophet Muhammad.

(Al-Jazeera) French President Emmanuel Macron says he understands the feelings of Muslims who are shocked by the displaying of cartoons of Prophet Muhammad but added that the “radical Islam” he is trying to fight is a threat to all people, especially Muslims. […]

Government & Politics

Party wants to print Mohammed cartoons in Danish newspapers Nye Borgerlige head Pernille Vermund said there is no room for compromise when the freedom of speech is on the line

(Copenhagen Post) Earlier this month, the French school teacher Samuel Paty was murdered after he had shown the Mohammed cartoons — famously printed in Jyllands-Posten newspaper in 2005 — to his students. And then yesterday, three people were killed in the Notre […]

Discrimination & “Islamophobia”

CAIR warns American Muslims against traveling to France Country's largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization issues travel advisory on its website

(Anadolu) The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) warned American Muslims on Tuesday against traveling to France, saying they may face danger and discrimination there. The country’s largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization issued a travel advisory on its website “amid the […]

Academics & Education

Malta imam says religious vilification should be illegal, in France murder reaction Imam Mohammed El Sadi claimed the publication of Charlie Hebdo cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad played into the hands of Muslim extremists and extreme right groups

(Malta Today) The imam of the Paola mosque, Mohammed El Sadi, has once again called for the criminalisation of blasphemy and the mocking of faiths, in a reaction to the fanatical murder of a French teacher who displayed the notorious Charlie Hebdo […]

Government & Politics

Turkish president files complaint against Dutch MP Geert Wilders, known for his anti-Islam stance, tweeted insulting cartoon of President Erdogan

(Anadolu) Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Tuesday lodged a criminal complaint against Dutch far-right politician Geert Wilders over an insulting tweet. The president’s lawyer Huseyin Aydin filed the complaint over Wilders’ insulting contents targeting Erdogan. In a criminal complaint submitted to […]