Biden surrogate Ro Khanna attended Michigan event with imam who accused pro-Israel lawmakers of ‘treason’ Members of Congress who voted for Antisemitism Awareness Act are 'stooges of Israel' who should be 'convicted of treason,' Hassan Qazwini said

(Free Beacon) Rep. Ro Khanna (D., Calif.) attended an awards gala this month with a Michigan cleric who called for pro-Israel members of Congress to be charged with “treason” and an activist who has repeatedly praised the terrorist group Hamas.

Khanna, a top surrogate for the Biden campaign, was in Dearborn on May 16 to accept a “Courage in Public Service Leadership” award from the Arab American Civil Rights League. During his acceptance speech, Khanna called for an end to Israel’s “occupation” of Gaza and the West Bank and reiterated his calls for a “permanent ceasefire.”

Footage of the event released by Khanna’s office shows the lawmaker speaking with Hassan Qazwini, the imam for the Islamic Institute of America. A day before the event, reports emerged that Qazwini said in a May 3 sermon that members of Congress who voted for the Antisemitism Awareness Act were “stooges of Israel” who should “be indicted and convicted of treason.”

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