Lawler: Remove Rashida Tlaib from Congress for speech at conference linked to terror group

(Breitbart) Rep. Mike Lawler (R-NY) called for Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) to be “removed from Congress” over a speech she gave at an anti-Israel conference that was linked to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), a U.S.-designated foreign terrorist organization (FTO).

Tlaib had given a speech at the People’s Conference for Palestine in Detroit, Michigan, on Saturday. The event that Tlaib spoke at featured speakers who were linked to the PFLP.

Lawler wrote in a post on X that Tlaib “should be removed from Congress immediately.”

“Associating with and speaking before groups that are funded by US designated terrorist organizations is disqualifying,” Lawler added.

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