Germany arrests Hamas operatives who planned attack on Israeli embassy and US base According to a German investigation into members of Hamas' terror cell, who were arrested in December, they planned attacks against the Israeli embassy in Berlin and an American base in western Germany

(Ynet) Hamas planned an attack on the Israeli embassy in Berlin and a US military base in western Germany. The German newspaper “Welt am Sonntag” reported that according to the investigation, one of the members of the terror cell, whose associates were already arrested in December last year, attempted to locate a weapons depot belonging to Hamas hidden somewhere in Europe.

According to the investigation, the intention was to transfer the weapons to Berlin for potential attacks, and the order came from Hamas’ military leadership in Lebanon. German security service officials told the newspaper that the identities of the targets planned by the terrorists to attack were exposed thanks to the information found on the mobile phone of that arrested Hamas member, a Lebanese-born operative. The phone contained a map of the Israeli embassy in Berlin and the American base in western Germany.

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