Mother facing jail for failing to tell police about son’s involvement in plot to bomb London Nabeela Anjum failed to tell police about what she knew of her son Sameer Anjum's cooperation with another terrorist.

(Sky News) A mother is facing jail after she failed to inform police that her teenage son knew about a terrorist plot to bomb central London.

Nabeela Anjum, 48, a biomedical scientist at St James’s Hospital in Leeds, tried to persuade her 15-year-old son to inform on his friend but when he refused she failed to take matters into her own hands.

She was found guilty at Leeds Crown Court of two counts of failing to disclose information about acts of terrorism.

Her son’s associate, Al-Arfat Hassan, then aged 19, from Enfield, North London, had watched the same ISIS video tutorial used by the Manchester Arena bomber, Salman Abedi, and bought two of the three chemicals needed to make a similar bomb.

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