Colorado supermarket shooter was sane at the time of the attack, state experts say

(AP) State experts have found the man charged with shooting and killing 10 people at a Colorado supermarket in 2021 had untreated mental illness but was legally sane at the time of the attack, lawyers said Tuesday.

The results of the sanity evaluation of Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa done at the state mental hospital are not public but were discussed during a court hearing as Alissa, dressed in a jail uniform and his wrists in shackles, and relatives of some of those killed listened.

According to the defense, the evaluators found that the attack would not have happened but for Alissa’s untreated mental illness, which attorney Sam Dunn said was schizophrenia that included “auditory hallucinations.” He also said the evaluators were “less confident” in their sanity conclusion than they would be in other cases but did not elaborate on why.

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