Academics & Education

U of Manitoba student wants school to apologize after guest speaker accused of Islamophobic comments Student group suspended while activist's visit investigated

(CBC) A pro-Israeli student group at the University of Manitoba has been suspended after inviting a guest speaker now banned from some parts of campus after he was accused of making Islamophobic comments. Political analyst Bassem Eid, a Palestinian who is a regular commentator […]

Discrimination & “Islamophobia”

In Britain, shockwaves from Israel-Hamas war are jolting domestic politics The United States and several European nations have been caught up in toxic debates that have altered election campaigns and led to eruptions of inflammatory language over the conflict.

(NY Times) Inside Britain’s Parliament, lawmakers jeered, booed, and stormed out of the House of Commons to protest the speaker’s handling of a vote calling for a cease-fire in Gaza. Outside, a crowd of pro-Palestinian demonstrators projected the slogan, “From the river […]

Academics & Education

Appeal Court upholds Quebec law that bars teachers, police from wearing religious symbols Civil liberties groups argued law discriminates against Muslim women who wear head coverings

(CBC) The Quebec Court of Appeal has upheld the province’s controversial secularism law in a ruling on challenges to the law’s constitutionality released Thursday afternoon. The heavily anticipated judgment is 290 pages long and quashes a previous exception, made by Superior Court […]

Clerics & Preachers

French interior minister announces plans to introduce new ‘imam status’ The success of the status will depend on the willingness of Muslim communities in France to embrace it

(Morocco World News) Following the expulsion of Imam Mahjoub Mahjoubi to Tunisia, French Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin unveiled earlier this week the designation of “imam in France” status. The minister made the announcement in a speech tackling the notion that Islam is […]