Report: Iran recruiting British Muslims on Middle East pilgrimages to spy on UK Jews UK newspaper says IRGC approaches Shiite Muslims visiting religious sites in Iraq, Iran, asks them to gather intel on prominent British Jews, synagogues, Iranian dissidents

(Times of Israel) The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps is recruiting British Muslims on pilgrimages to Iran and Iraq to spy on Jews and Jewish targets in the United Kingdom, according to a Friday report citing Israeli and UK officials.

According to the report in the UK’s Daily Mail newspaper, IRGC recruiters have been approaching Shiite Muslims visiting religious sites in the Middle East and asking them to “gather information on prominent British Jews or targets such as synagogues.”

The agents are also reportedly asked to spy on Iranian dissidents based in the UK.

An unnamed source quoted in the report said, “We do not know the scale of Iranian agents inside Europe and the UK, but all it takes is for one to slip through the net.”

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