Academics & Education

UBC student group sues Jewish non-profit and former contractor, claiming defamation over pro-Hamas stickers 'Offensive' stickers were work of terminated contractor who acted alone: Hillel B.C.

(CBC) The Social Justice Centre (SJC) at the University of British Columbia is suing a prominent Jewish organization and one former contractor for defamation after pro-Hamas stickers bearing the SJC’s logo were placed on campus in November. The stickers said “I [heart] […]


Unrepentant Islamic State group acolyte handed 10-year sentence Warren Clark is one of more than 245 people, 90% of them men, charged in the U.S. with crimes related to the Islamic State group since 2014.

(Courthouse News) A Texan who joined the Islamic State group to teach English to its soldiers accused the United States of war crimes at his sentencing hearing Thursday, saying it reminded him of white supremacist bombings in the South when he saw […]

Government & Politics

Jewish leaders slam White House for meeting with activist who defended Hamas, Hezbollah Several Biden administration senior officials traveled to Michigan to meet with Muslim leaders, including controversial Dearborn activist Osama Siblani

(Jewish Insider) A Thursday meeting between several senior Biden administration officials and Muslim leaders in Michigan drew scrutiny from leaders in the Jewish community over the inclusion of Osama Siblani, a Dearborn political activist and newspaper publisher who has in the past […]