Government & Politics

Tories call for changes to modern slavery rules to send ‘bogus asylum seekers’ home A group of Tory MPs wants to make it easier to return 'bogus asylum seekers' to the homes 'in the villages from which they came from.'

(Sky News) A group of more than 50 MPs has written to PM Rishi Sunak, urging him to introduce emergency legislation which will cut small boat crossings of the Channel. The group, which includes former cabinet ministers, called for the rapid implementation […]

Government & Politics

ASIO makes major change to Australia’s terrorism threat level The nation’s top spy has made a major adjustment to the nation’s terror level for the first time in close to a decade.

(NCA NewsWire) Australia’s terrorism threat level has been lowered for the first time in close to a decade, but one of the nation’s top spies has warned an attack could still occur in the next 12 months. Australian Security and Intelligence Organisation […]

Clerics & Preachers

Preacher accused of being ISIS marriage broker faces trial in New York Prosecutors say that Abdullah el-Faisal, who served time in Britain for inciting racial hatred, tried to find recruits for the Middle East extremist group.

(NY Times) In late 2016, Abdullah el-Faisal, a Jamaican preacher who was an outspoken supporter of the Islamic State, began communicating on WhatsApp with a woman in New York who claimed to be an aspiring jihadist with medical training. He offered to […]