Shamima Begum: Police and school ‘missed opportunities’ to stop her leaving UK, lawyers claim Questions have been raised over whether 'key indicators' that Ms Begum and her two school friends were at risk of being trafficked were missed.

(Sky News) The police and her school missed opportunities to stop Shamima Begum travelling to Syria and joining ISIS and should have stopped her, according to her lawyers.

There were questions about whether “key indicators” that Ms Begum and her two school friends were at risk of being trafficked were missed, lawyers for Ms Begum told a hearing appealing against her loss of citizenship.

The police failed to monitor the girls’ social media use and MI5 failed to monitor the interaction between the girls and ISIS recruiters, they said.

There were also questions over whether precautionary steps should have been taken to alert the police at London airports of the risk that they would travel to Turkey on a “known trafficking route.”

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