Amsterdam Islamic school board told to resign over mismanagement

(NL Times) Education Minister Dennis Wiersma has decided that the board of the Stichting Islamitische School Amsterdam (ISA) must resign as quickly as possible. A new inspection of the foundation, which operates several Islamic schools, noted “financial mismanagement, unlawful enrichment and unlawful action,” prompting the minister’s decision.

Wiersma said that he has chosen this extreme measure because he is not confident that the current board can solve the issues. “We need a new board that gives priority to the welfare of the children and quality education as soon as possible.” The schools include al Yaqut, al Maes and al Jawhara.

According to the Education Inspectorate, the Islamic school foundation does not have the administrative organization and internal controls in place, and the board is not taking any measures to do anything about it.

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