Austria adopts anti-terrorism laws that put Muslim Brotherhood groups in crosshairs Extremist groups' symbols banned with a €10,000 ... fine for offenders

(National-UAE) Austria has adopted new penalties against the promotion of extremist groups, including those with links to “religiously-motivated crimes,” that will ban the symbols of a range of terrorist groups.

The new federal law prohibits the use of symbols representing ISIS, Al Qaeda, the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, Grey Wolves, the Kurdish Workers’ Party, Hezbollah’s military wing, the Croatian fascist movement Ustasha and all other entities that are listed by the EU as terrorist groups.

The authorities also gained powers to exclude people from the vicinity of an environment that contributed to their radicalisation. Companies and institutions face an obligation to submit and verify that their accounting records comply with a ban on domestic financing of extremists. Dual citizens can be stripped of their citizenship and convicted criminals can lose driving licences.

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