Government appoints working group to decide future of Danish children in Syrian camps PM firm that six mothers cannot return, but their 19 kids should know their fate by mid-May

(Copenhagen Post) PM Mette Frederiksen and her government remain opposed to six Danish women, who voluntarily travelled to the Islamic State’s terrorist caliphate in the mid-2010s to be with their IS warrior partners, returning home from two camps in the north of Syria.

However, today it has been announced that a working group has been established to decide whether the six women’s 19 children (ages 1-14), who all have a solid claim for Danish citizenship, can be evacuated in the near future.

A majority consisting of the government, SF, Radikale, Venstre, Konservative and Liberal Alliance backed the plans, and the working group has been given until May 15 to make its recommendations.

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