Utrecht mass shooting suspect ignores court order to attend hearing

(NL Times) Gokmen T., the suspected gunman in a mass shooting on a tram in Utrecht in March, did not appear in court for a proforma hearing in his case on Monday, despite a court order that he attend. A lot of violence would have been needed to get him to the courtroom, the court said. “It is not up to the suspect to dictate whether he appears or not, but under these circumstances the court refrains from forcing him to be present,” the court president said, according to broadcaster NOS.

The fact that this is a proforma hearing, and not the actual trial, also played a role. The Public Prosecution Service agreed with the court’s decision. According to the public prosecutor, having a conversation with the suspect would have been impossible had he been forced to be there. “Moreover, the hearing would be considerably delayed. Then we would have had [to] wait at least two hours.”

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