Asylum approvals almost always right, German review finds — report Nearly all decisions to grant migrants asylum in Germany were justified, officials found after reviewing some 62,000 claims, according to a newspaper report. Hundreds of officials work on reviewing old cases.

(Deutsche Welle) While reviewing successful asylum applications, German officials found that only a tiny minority of asylum-seekers provided false information or tried to trick the officials, according to official data cited by Süddeutsche Zeitung on Thursday.

Germany’s migration agency, BAMF, looked into some 62,000 old claims in the first half of 2019. The officials kept the refugee status in place for over 97% of the cases reviewed, with another 2% losing it due to a change in circumstances, such as improvement in their home countries or recovering from an illness.

In the review, only around 330 people, or about half of 1%, lost their asylum status due to dishonesty.

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