‘Did you meet with terrorists?’ NJ mayor says officers questioned him at airport, took his phone

(Bergen Record) Muslim Americans say they’ve been singled out, detained and interrogated at airports — and elected officials are no exception.

Mohamed Khairullah, the longtime mayor of Prospect Park, said he was held for three hours at JFK International Airport last month, questioned about whether he knew any terrorists and forced to hand over his phone.

“It was definitely a hurtful moment where I’m thinking in my mind that this is not the America that I know,” said Khairullah, a public-school administrator. “I am very familiar with our laws and Constitution, and everything that was going on there was a violation.”

Khairullah’s story mirrors that of many travelers, who believe they are singled out because of their faith when they are pulled aside for secondary screenings and searches. Civil liberties advocates say Muslim Americans are disproportionately detained and have had their electronic devices searched or seized.

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