Austria: Proposed headscarf ban receives condemnation Former Chancellor Sebastian Kurz proposes to ban headscarf in secondary schools as election promise

(Anadolu) Austrians have reacted to former Chancellor Sebastian Kurz’s proposed headscarf ban as an election promise as political fever before the Sept. 29 general elections is running high in the country.

Kurz, chairman of the Austrian People’s Party who is known for his Islamophobic stance, has promised to ban headscarfs for secondary school students and teachers if he wins.

According to current public opinion polls, Kurz’s party will receive 35% of the vote and form a coalition government.

Austria is home to around 800,000 Muslims and this election promise has stirred discomfort among the society.

Chairman of Austrian Muslim Society (IGGO) Umit Vural told Anadolu Agency that freedom of religion has been guaranteed by the laws of the country and a headscarf ban is unacceptable.

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