Muslim student calls out educational institute for uploading ‘Islamophobic’ lecture content

(ABC-Australia) Tayeba Quddus was shocked when she saw a lecture slide from a subject on diversity suggesting that while “most Muslims are peaceful,” up to 300 million Muslims were “radicals who want to destroy and murder.”

The quote — sourced from a prominent anti-Muslim activist and presented without qualification in online lecture material — left Ms Quddus feeling “disempowered” and bewildered that a claim she described as “sickening in its bigotry” would be part of her tertiary studies.

“Given what happened in Christchurch, and a huge movement we have of far-right extremism and political campaigns that seek to vilify most Muslims, within that climate it’s not very helpful to be discussing these things in a way that seems like it supports these ideas,” Ms Quddus said.

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