Omar, Tlaib welcome decision ruling US terror watchlist unconstitutional A federal judge ruled that the inclusion in the list infringes upon the right to due process.

(Jerusalem Post) US Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib has expressed her appreciation after a US federal judge ruled that an FBI terror watchlist was unconstitutional.

“I have heard of horrifying stories of Muslim Americans who were placed on the so-called ‘watch list,’ with no pathway (you know, due process!) to getting their names removed. Today, it’s Muslims, but tomorrow it can be you, if we don’t stop this madness,” Tlaib, a Muslim-American of Palestinian descent, tweeted on Thursday.

Also US Representative Ilhan Omar, who arrived in the US as a refugee from Somalia as a child, called the decision “tremendous.”

“Congratulations to everyone who worked so hard to make sure Constitutional rights are extended to all regardless of religion, race or ethnicity!” she added on Twitter.

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