Canadian Muslim group declines invitation to attend US summit on religious freedom Trump's Muslim ban cited as main reason not to attend the conference, says National Council of Canadian Muslims

(Middle East Eye) A prominent Canadian Muslim advocacy group has declined an invitation to attend an upcoming US government conference on religious freedom because of President Donald Trump’s travel ban of several Muslim-majority countries.

The National Council of Canadian Muslims (NCCM) on Monday called the Trump administration’s three-day summit, dubbed the Ministerial to Advance Religious Freedom, a “betrayal” of its principles.

“We cannot attend while Executive Order 13780 and subsequent presidential proclamations (better known as the ‘Muslim Ban’) remain in effect,” NCCM Executive Director Mustafa Farooq said in a letter shared on social media.

“We believe in standing by our principles. We believe in non-partisan, common-sense policy to combat racial discrimination in our society.”

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