French imam in Jerusalem: Anti-Zionism is antisemitism Hassen Chalghoumi is currently leading a delegation of French and Belgian Muslims in Israel to improve Muslim-Jewish ties.

(Jerusalem Post) French Imam Hassen Chalghoumi, currently heading a delegation of French Muslims in Israel, said on Wednesday that anti-Zionism is antisemitism, and blamed the Muslim Brotherhood for incitement against Jews in France and Belgium.

Chalghoumi is on his second visit to Israel, which has been organized by ELNET, an NGO dedicated to strengthening Europe-Israel relations. He is leading a group of several young Muslim political, media and social leaders from France and Belgium on a tour of the country.

“Anti-Zionist propaganda is a mask; it is actually antisemitic, but is used to say antisemitic things in a more polite manner,” Chalghoumi told the Jerusalem Post through a translator.

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