New York Times whitewashes anti-Semitism of incoming House Democrat Ilhan Omar

(Washington Examiner) In a glowing profile of representative-elect Ilhan Omar, the New York Times portrays her critics as merely scared of somebody different, all the while glossing over her misrepresentation of her position on Israel and record of unapologetically peddling anti-Semitic conspiracy theories.

The article depicts Omar, who is set to take over the seat previously held by Rep. Keith Ellison, as somebody defiant in the face of prejudice.

It starts off with an anecdote of her getting bullied as a 12-year-old Somali immigrant in Virginia and her father telling her, “They are doing something to you because they feel threatened in some way by your existence.”

That becomes a framing device for the story, which is an attempt to discredit her critics by lumping them all together with racists and conspiracy mongers.

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