Banks & Banking

Homeowner testifies at trial of 2 men accused of defrauding Shariah mortgage holders Defence is trying to demonstrate homeowners were credited for payments they made

(CBC) The trial of two men accused of defrauding homeowners who had taken out “Shariah-compliant” mortgages heard Thursday from one of the mortgage holders, who admitted under defence cross-examination that he and his wife eventually got credited for their payments. Omar Kalair […]


The German who went from left-wing terrorist to Salafist sympathizer Bernhard Falk is no stranger to prisons. A convicted leftist terrorist, he spent 12 years behind bars. Now he looks after imprisoned Islamists. Germany's domestic intelligence agency considers him a danger to society.

(Deutsche Welle) One of the advantages of a constitutional state that ensures the rule of law is that it also applies those rights to people who deeply reject it. Even those who want to abolish the democratic system and fight by force […]